Friday, March 24, 2006

Der Rings des Tolkien

A few months ago I read that a musical production of Tolkien’s The Lord of The Rings was being produced in Toronto. Bruce and I discussed this briefly and the idea didn’t give either of us a warm fuzzy. When I mentioned it to David he snarled.
The $25 million dollar production features 55 performers, 17 elevators and 500 pieces of armor. Trying to condense the three books which compose the Lord of The Rings into one night of stage work (albeit three hours and forty five minutes worth) seems overly eager to me. Wagner broke Der Ring des Nibulengen into 4 parts totaling 14.5 hours of stage time.
So, it had its premiere last night and opened to mixed reviews. Most of them say it is “spectacular” to look at, but falls short in the score and story adaptation. Here are a few reviews from the BBC and

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