Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Bells are Ringing

Little bell ringers, they are everywhere!

It seems, this time of year, one cannot walk into a retail store without being accosted by these people. You know the ones, those delightful people who scowl at you and say “Merry Christmas!” or “Happy Holidays!” under their breath if you fail to drop your spare coins or dollars into their collection plate. Yet never do these ringers tell you of the Salvation Army blatant anti-gay and anti-lesbian views. They openly discriminate against gay and lesbian people. They have given large donations to political action groups who oppose gay and lesbian rights and marriage. So much for using the funds they collect to help people. They are giving money to support political activities. I wonder how many people they could have fed or clothed with the money they donated to various political groups? No, they are not helping people they are in fact hurting part of our society. I won’t go into all the details here, it’s very easy to find an evenings worth of reading by just going to google and typing in “Salvation Army gay”. You will find a plethora of pages to occupy your time.

Soulforce has place this flyer on their website. Consider printing these out and dropping them into they Salvation Army collection plates this season.

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